Friday, January 7, 2011

Another Year

I wonder what Life has in store for me this year. Last year was definitely full of surprises – reconnection with old friends, career milestones, dead coming back to life. It was a circus. Thinking about it now and what other things and people can turn up this year scares the living daylights out of me. But then again, as Dan Burns would say: be prepared to be surprised!

Sometimes, we just can’t be anything else but sitting ducks. The only thing we can do is put on a brave face and shout “bring it on” at the top of our lungs, ignoring that our knees are buckling or in the true case of a duck – feet paddling like crazy, our palms sweating and our hearts pumping like an F1 race car. Whenever I feel afraid, I hold my head erect... so no one would suspect…I’m afraid. It was true in Siam circa 1860’s and still is today. How poetry mirrors reality leaves me in awe most of the time. Makes me want to whistle a happy tune!

Only a week has passed and we still have 51 more to enjoy this year and bask in the good fortune that it will bring. Or it could be 51 weeks more of suffering and hell. It’s our choice really. At the end of the day, we ourselves make things happen or not come to be. I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul. Now, that is the ultimate self-confidence. Or it could be plainly pure arrogance. Whichever it is, kudos to you Mr. Henley! And kudos to us for surviving the past year, scathed it may seem but nonetheless alive and for facing the new year with a bravado deserving of a round of drinks!

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